Request Quote
Elegant Resorts


Current vacancies with Elegant Resorts are listed below. If you would like to be considered for any of these roles, please send a covering letter, CV and salary  expectations to [email protected]. Please note that only successful applications will be replied to. No agencies please.

We presently have no vacancies available

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I apply for a job at Elegant Resorts?
Click on the link for the relevant job description. If you meet all the relevant criteria, please send your CV, covering letter and salary expectations to [email protected]
2. Can I speak to someone for more information regarding a particular vacancy?
We are not able to deal with individual enquiries in this way. However, we do make every effort to ensure our job descriptions are as comprehensive as possible and contain all the information necessary to help you decide whether or not to apply for a particular role.
3. Do you require references?
We do not require references at the application stage. However, if your application is successful, we do ask for references and generally require two.
4. How do I know you have received my application?
If you have submitted an application via [email protected] you should receive an immediate email confirmation.
5. What do I need to include in my covering letter?
The position you are applying for, why you feel you are qualified for this position and why you would like to work for Elegant Resorts.
6. If my application is successful, what happens next?
You will be invited for an initial interview. This may take place over the telephone or we may ask you to attend an interview at our office.
7. If my application is not successful, will Elegant Resorts keep my details on file?
No, we receive a high volume of applications, which makes it impractical to keep individual records on file.
8. If my application is not successful, can I apply for similar roles in the future with Elegant Resorts?
Yes, you are welcome to apply for any future roles with Elegant Resorts.